Atlanta - East

Nestled in the Alcovy River basin between the urban sprawl of Atlanta and classic Athens, Monroe offers the best of both worlds. Our rich history draws visitors to Monroe; our small town atmosphere, engaging cultural life and high-tech capabilities entice them to stay. Monroe's colorful history is typified by ante-bellum homes, historic downtown and venerable government buildings. Monroe's future is exemplified by intermingling these historic areas with planned residential growth and high-tech industries

Our convenient location in the middle of Georgia's historic heartland makes visiting Downtown Monroe a great day trip or relaxing weekend destination. The City of Monroe offers many events and activities throughout the year, including festivals, concerts, parades and marathons.

City Leadership



(762) 435-9713




City Road Map

Phase I: Collection Season

  • JH Outback, JH Ranch and Scott River Lodge (SRL) experience network established within the city.— JH Network may already exist— Some locations may need to build JH base

  • A City Leader with influence emerges to bring together the city (financial, marketing, and volunteers).

  • Men’s huddle groups (women’s and joint marriage groups in some cities) are established in accordance with huddle group guidelines.

Phase II: Prayer

  • JH Outback Launch Event held in city with leadership team and invitation to all JH Ranch and SRL alumni guests.

  • The Leadership team commits to six weeks of prayer and fasting to discern God’s leading towards the launch of a JH Outback. Ongoing prayer is maintained.

FatherSon (1).jpg

Phase III: Launching in your City

After 6 weeks of prayer, interested participants reconvene to confirm the following:

  • Affirmation of God’s call to move forward

  • Appointment of a local board through the signed JH Outback City Leader agreement based on 2 Timothy 3:2-13

  • Establishment of a City Leader by board

  • Establishment of legal LLC for city

  • Establishment of a date for first event

  • Establishment of Lay Leader for first event

  • Initial planning for event location



Phase IV: Execution

  • Lay Leader / City Steering Committee identifies JH Outback weekend event Team Leaders and Speakers

  • Lay Leader is the primary nominator for these positions to the City Steering committee for appointment into the position

  • Team Leaders and Speakers are setup with guideline packets for each of their areas

  • Team Leaders assign and fill teams in coordination with volunteer leader

  • JH Outback Presentations and Journey of Transition (JOT) are hosted within the area to assist with the recruitment of guests

  • Finalize event location

  • Establish a prayer, marketing and fundraising plan

  • Host a minimum of three planning events for launch of JH Outback event

  • Coordinate with JH Outback for needed speakers and support for the first few JH Outbacks

Phase V: Autonomy

  • JH Outback city is aligned with JH guidelines and is able to operate as independently as possible of JH Outback corporate support

  • Local speakers are trained through practice talks and JH curriculum to effectively give all the key talks

  • Over the course of 2-3 events, ensure JH Outback support is transitioned to local leaders

  • Fully host a JH Outback with local speakers, aside from Travis

  • Tithe donations to JHEA

Phase VI: Pay it Forward

  • Once a JH Outback regularly reaches capacity with autonomy, develop a team to help launch a JH Outback either in a nearby city or internationally

  • Tithing of Fundraising to support JH expansion globally

  • Support the launch of another JH Outback financially

  • Disciple another generation of leaders to replace the original JH Outback leadership team

  • Develop a JH Outback University if applicable to the region

JH Outback Atlanta - East Resources


Marks + Logos

Your city is unique and we want to show it off. Here you will find logos + artwork for your specific city. Please refer to the Marketing Leader page for Brand Guidelines and other marketing Best Practices.

Photo Gallery

Images make for great stories. Linked below are photographs that have been captured at your JH Outback and can be downloaded to your computer to use in projects, presentations and social media.

ShareFile Web Storage

Let’s get on the same page! ShareFile is an online storage solution that JH Outback core leadership shares with your city, so we all have access to the same thing. In this folder keep helpful documents, files and other resources for you to use and share with your local leadership.

Change is temporary but transformation is forever.