You are a part of the ADMINISTRATION TEAM whose goal is to provide an excellent and hospitable overall guest experience.
Where to Begin:
2. Review JH Outback Project Timeline
All team leader roles with timeline breakdown of each role. You will use the Volunteer Registration tab.
1. Review Volunteer Registration Lead Guidebook
3. Order Print Materials
Visit our JH Outback Store website to view and order any supplies you need for your Outback weekend.
4. Merging Names from Excel to Word Labels
Please view the following instructions for merging names from Excel to Word labels.
5. Order Merchandise
Visit our JH Outback Store website to view and order any Merchandise you need for your Outback weekend.
6. Salesforce Training Guide
Please view the following instructions on how to download different guest registration reports for your Outback weekend. Email info@jhoutback.com for your login information.