The Prayer Leader ensures that a culture of prayer remains the cornerstone of the ministry throughout the year and ensures that each weekend event is covered in prayer before, during and after the guest experience.
It is vital that every event is covered in prayer and intercession. To intercede literally means to “stand in the gap” for another. As the Prayer City Leader, you will be standing in the gap for all guests, volunteers, and staff before and throughout the weekend. As the prayer leader, it is important for you to constantly set the vision of prayer for all other leaders. Prayer MUST come first, and you are the leader of establishing a prayer culture.
To launch the 40 days of prayer and fasting prior to the JH Outback weekend - using Sign-Up Genius, recruit 40 people to take a 24 hour period to pray and fast for the weekend.
To help facilitate and lead the blessing of the grounds the weekend prior to the JH Outback.
To schedule qualified intercessors to pray for guests during the weekend event. Using a schedule template and having a robust team during the peak times of guest availability, the Prayer Leader sets the schedule for the weekend so that every guest has the opportunity to receive prayer.
To advocate for the prayer room or tent with the emcee and the JH Outback leadership team.
To prepare the prayer tent/room to make a quiet, undistracted environment that is also visible for guests to visit as many times as needed.
Prayer Lead Guidebook
This Guidebook provides you with a plan and best practices that you can use in this process. You will likely develop other ideas that work well in your city – please share these with us as we want to grow this role together.
Sign-Up Genius
Sign-Up Genius is a great tool you can use to lead your city for the 40 day prayer/fast leading up to the JH Outback event.