This role is to organize the Prayer Team in covering the staff, guests, the facilities and all of the weekend in prayer, and pray with guests and staff during the weekend. The City Prayer Leader is a "leader creating leaders" who encourages prayer tent volunteers to pray by listening to the hearts of guests while intently listening to and following the Holy Spirit during all prayer sessions. Essential to this role is encouraging prayer tent volunteers to follow our JH Prayer guidelines as a means of loving and honoring the diversity and varying spiritual experiences of our guests. The most important thing you can do to prepare is to make daily personal time with the Lord a priority. Pray also for your role specifically – that the Lord will provide you with everything that you need including wisdom, discernment, and protection. As you serve this weekend, please take time to listen and receive the blessings God has in store for you! One of the most common testimonies we receive is from volunteers who say that they get as much or more from serving, as they did from their life changing experience as a guest.
Where to Begin:
1. Schedule a Meeting with our JH Adventures Intercession Director, Leslie Freeman
Please fill out this Google Form to let us know you’ve been selected to be the Prayer Tent Lead. You will receive a confirmation email after filling out this form that will prompt you to schedule a call with our JH Adventures Intercession Director, Leslie Freeman. She would love to connect with you to cover some training and resources, share her heart for Intercession as it pertains to our Outback events, make sure you feel supported in your role, and answer any questions you may have.
2. View and Submit General Team Leader Agreement
3. Review the Prayer Resources and Guidebook
This link below gives you access to our JH Outback Prayer Guidelines, information on the 40 Days of Fasting, helpful crafted prayers, general requirements for your leadership role and more.
4. View the Project Timeline
All team leader roles with timeline breakdown of each role. You will use the Prayer tab.
5. 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting with your city in preparation for your event
Make a copy of this event template by selecting “File” then “Make a Copy” to copy this event template to send out to your city to pray into all God wants to do through your team!
Connect with the Prayer Team
Communicate with your Team
Please send an email ahead of time to everyone who will serve on your team. You should also communicate any online or in person meetings you have prior to the event.
We suggest one brief online meeting to connect and review the Roadmap materials together, and one meeting Friday morning of the event.
Sample Email for Team:
Hey there!
Thank you so much for your willingness to serve on the Prayer Team at JH Outback. I wanted to send you some information and training for your role. Firstly, it is vital that you register as a volunteer before the event. Please do so on the JH Outback website: Secondly, we have created online training resources on the Roadmap to help equip you for your role. Please review everything carefully, complete the training, and let me know once you’ve completed everything! Here is the link:
Please let me know if you have any questions, and I look forward to seeing you soon!