The Generosity Leader is responsible for ensuring that there is a comprehensive fundraising plan that will sustain the finances of the JH Outback for years to come.
Giving the JH Outback community the opportunity to partner with this ministry financially is absolutely critical. Seeing God in the financial circumstances is a spiritual discipline that opens up miraculous opportunities. The harvest for opportunity in the financial realm is abundant, but often the workers and the discipline to ask people to partner can be sparse. This leadership role organizes a strategic, ideally multi-year generosity plan to create an enduring fund to support JH Outback both locally and corporately. The team that helps launch JH Outback and the guests that attend JH Outback should be given ample opportunities to support JH Outback financially.
To establish a generosity plan for funds development for the JH Outback city. To supervise the execution of that plan with the goal of diversifying the involvement as much as possible. To coordinate closely with the JH Corporate Generosity Team to ensure efforts are aligned.
Areas of Focus
1. Establish a broad core family group
2. Invite the core family to a 3 year commitment to pray, serve and give.
Here are the recommended giving levels:
Founders Club: $10,000 per year
Big Top Club: $6,000 per year
JH Outback 100: $1,200 per year
3. Establish one-on-one meetings with families to offer giving options
4. Miracles of God in Finances
Express the importance of seeing the miracles of God in finances and the Biblical principle of reaping and sewing generously.
Generosity Lead Guidebook
This Guidebook provides you with a plan and best practices that you can use in this process. You will likely develop other ideas that work well in your city – please share these with us as we want to grow this role together.